Browsing: Home Remedies

Stretch marks can spoil the texture and look of your skin. Excessive and sudden weight gain or weight loss causes stretch marks. Find ways to manage diet, exercise and weight to surpass the chances of getting stretch..

Dark underarms causes, dark underarms symptoms: Dark underarms refer to the situation, when skin under the arms darken due to a number of reasons like improper cleaning, sweating, dead skin cells and friction due to different…

Worms are parasites within the intestines, which infest humans. They are quite common in tropical as well as sub-tropical areas and are more prevalent during the rainy season. Having foods that are compatible to each other such as honey with warm foods…

Dysentery is due the intestine getting infected by amoeba. The intestines get inflamed. The inflammation of the bowels occurs. The inflammation causes severe stomach pain with blood appearing in the feces. It can be fatal if too much dehydration..